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Deed Retrieval Expanded Search 30 Year Search Custom Search
Search Period Current Ownership Current Ownership 30 Years 50yr, 60yr, 1940, 1932, Patent
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Title Abstract - + Chain of Title + Chain of Title
Deed Copies Current Vested Deed Current Vested Deeds Any within 30 Years Custom
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Judgment & Lien Copies - Open Only Open & Closed Custom
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$75.00 $225.00 $350.00 + copy fees* Contact Us
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* Where denoted, we will charge for copy fees incurred for your report. We do not mark-up these costs. These fees are charged by the New Jersey county records office or document records service, and generally start at $5 - $10 for the first page with a $1 fee for each subsequent page acquired. Depending on the report type requested and number of transactions in the requested search period, this can result in fees as small as a few dollars or upwards to several hundred dollars. It's rare to exceed a few hundred dollars for 30+ year full searches or chains of title in New Jersey. The averages run $50 - $150.